Meals - Mahlzeiten

Meals - Mahlzeiten

In this section, we will explore the different meals typically eaten throughout the day in English-speaking cultures, compared to German habits. Meals are important occasions not only for nutrition but also for social interaction.

Types of Meals

There are several main meals that we eat during the day. Each meal has a typical time and type of food associated with it.

  1. Breakfast - Frühstück: The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning. Common breakfast foods include cereal, eggs, and toast.
  2. Lunch - Mittagessen: This meal is eaten around midday and is typically the main meal of the day in many cultures, including hearty dishes.
  3. Dinner - Abendessen: The main evening meal, which can be similar in size to lunch or sometimes lighter.
  4. Snacks - Snacks: Small meals eaten between the main meals to keep energy levels up throughout the day.
Datei:Family dinner.jpg

Vokabel-Quiz: Teste Dein Wissen


Welche Mahlzeit ist typischerweise die erste des Tages? (Breakfast) (!Lunch) (!Dinner) (!Snack)

Was ist das deutsche Wort für "Lunch"? (Mittagessen) (!Frühstück) (!Abendessen) (!Mahlzeit)

Wähle das englische Wort für "Abendessen". (Dinner) (!Morning meal) (!Day meal) (!Night snack)

Was ist KEIN typisches Frühstücksgericht? (!Cereal) (!Eggs) (!Toast) (Pasta)

Was bedeutet "Snacks" auf Deutsch? (Snacks) (!Vorspeisen) (!Nachspeisen) (!Beilagen)


Which meal is usually eaten around midday? (Lunch) (!Breakfast) (!Dinner) (!Midnight snack)

Deutsches Wort für "Snack"? (Snack) (!Großer Teller) (!Hauptmahlzeit) (!Nachmittagstee)

What is the correct translation for "Frühstück"? (Breakfast) (!Supper) (!Evening meal) (!Night food)

Was ist typischerweise KEIN Abendessen? (!Steak) (!Salad) (!Soup) (Kuchen)

Select the German translation for "dinner". (Abendessen) (!Mittagessen) (!Frühstück) (!Zwischenmahlzeit)


What is the first meal of the day called in English? (Breakfast) (!Brunch) (!Tea) (!Supper)

Which of the following is not a typical lunch food? (!Sandwich) (!Salad) (!Burger) (Cake)

Choose the English term for "Mittagessen". (Lunch) (!Supper) (!Breakfast) (!Snack)

What does "Snacks" translate to in German? (Snacks) (!Kleinigkeiten) (!Leckerbissen) (!Happen)

Which meal is traditionally the main meal in many cultures? (Dinner) (!Breakfast) (!Brunch) (!Tea)



Frühstück Breakfast
Mittagessen Lunch
Abendessen Dinner


Snack Snack
Vorspeise Appetizer
Nachspeise Dessert
Hauptgericht Main course
Beilage Side dish


Gabel Fork
Messer Knife
Löffel Spoon
Teller Plate
Schüssel Bowl
Serviette Napkin
Glas Glass


Breakfast Frage: Welche Mahlzeit wird am Morgen gegessen?
Lunch Frage: Hauptmahlzeit um die Mittagszeit?
Dinner Frage: Hauptmahlzeit am Abend?
Snack Frage: Kleine Mahlzeit zwischen den Hauptmahlzeiten?
Dessert Frage: Süßspeise nach der Hauptmahlzeit?


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